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Can Motion Sickness Be Treated?

Motion sickness is a common condition that affects many people, especially when traveling. It usually involves feelings of nausea and dizziness as a result of conflicting signals between their eyes and their inner ear.

Fortunately, motion sickness can be managed with some simple lifestyle changes and treatments. By understanding more about motion sickness and its treatment options, you may find relief from your symptoms so that you can enjoy traveling or other activities without feeling ill.

What Is Motion Sickness?

Motion sickness is a condition that can occur when you are traveling in an airplane, boat, car, bus or amusement park ride. It is caused by conflicting signals between the inner ear, eyes and body telling the brain that you are moving differently than what your eyes see. 

Symptoms of motion sickness may include nausea, sweating, dizziness and fatigue. It is important to be aware of the symptoms and how to prevent it.

To help prevent motion sickness, you should try to get plenty of rest before traveling and avoid eating fatty or greasy foods. 

You can also look away from your travel direction, focus on a distant object outside the vehicle window, take shallow breaths, and close your eyes. 

Causes Of Motion Sickness 

Motion sickness is a very common condition caused by a conflict between the visual and vestibular systems. Visual cues, such as when reading in a car or watching motion media, can send conflicting messages to the brain from the movement that is being felt.

Other causes of motion sickness can include any type of movement, such as riding in a car, boat, or amusement park ride; the use of virtual reality headsets; and even performing certain physical activities. 

It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of motion sickness and take preventative measures to avoid it. Taking short breaks during long journeys, avoiding strong smells, focusing on a distant object, and eating mild foods can all help reduce the chances of becoming motion sick. 

Consulting with a physician is also recommended if the condition persists or worsens. 

The exact cause of motion sickness is not fully understood, but it is believed to be a result of the body’s perception of conflicting sensory inputs. When there are differences between what is seen and felt (such as when in a car or boat), this causes confusion in the brain which can lead to motion sickness. 

It is also suggested that certain smells and odors can make motion sickness worse. Individuals with anxiety and stress are more likely to experience motion sickness due to their heightened sensitivity to the environment around them. 

Motion sickness is a very common condition that can affect anyone, but is particularly common among children. 

Natural Ways To Treat Motion Sickness

There are a number of natural remedies that can be helpful in treating motion sickness.


Ginger is known to have anti-nausea properties, so sipping on ginger tea or sucking on candied ginger may help relieve motion sickness symptoms. You can also take capsules containing ginger extract before and during travel if you need extra relief.

CBD Products

CBD Products have recently been gaining attention as a potential treatment for motion sickness due to its ability to reduce inflammation and inflammation-related symptoms. 

CBD has shown to reduce vomiting and nausea associated with motion sickness and makes an excellent natural remedy for those who suffer from this annoying condition.


The menthol in peppermint is known to be effective in relieving nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness. Inhaling a few drops of peppermint oil, or drinking a cup of peppermint tea can help settle your stomach during long journeys.


Applying pressure to specific points on the body, known as acupressure, is thought to help reduce nausea. Certain pressure points are believed to be particularly effective for relieving motion sickness symptoms such as the wrist and inner elbow.

Essential Oils

Some essential oils can provide relief from motion sickness symptoms. In particular, lavender, lemon and peppermint essential oils have been found to be effective for reducing nausea. You can put a few drops on a cotton pad and inhale or apply it topically to your wrists or temples.


Staying hydrated can help reduce the symptoms of motion sickness by helping maintain balance in your body. Drink plenty of water before and during travel to help stave off nausea and vomiting.

Avoid Triggers

Eating heavy meals, drinking alcohol, reading or watching television while traveling can all increase your chances of developing motion sickness symptoms. To reduce the risk, try to limit these activities when possible and take frequent breaks.

Change Your Position

Sitting up straight in a reclined position can help reduce the symptoms of motion sickness. If you’re in an airplane, try to get an aisle seat and face forward rather than looking out the window.


Make sure to take regular breaks during long journeys and allow yourself time to rest. This can help reduce the stress and strain on your body, which in turn may lessen the symptoms of motion sickness.

Over-The-Counter Medications For Motion Sickness 

Commonly used medications include antihistamines such as dimenhydrinate (Gravol), meclizine (Bonine), diphenhydramine (Benadryl), and cyclizine (Marezine). 

Other over-the-counter options include ginger capsules, tablets or liquid extract, which can lessen the nausea associated with motion sickness. 

Those who are prone to motion sickness should consult a physician before taking any medication, as some medications can cause drowsiness and impair judgment.

When To See A Doctor For Treatment Of Motion Sickness 

If the symptoms of motion sickness are persistent and interfere with daily activities, it is best to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. The doctor may recommend lifestyle changes such as avoiding certain foods or limiting other environmental factors that could be contributing to the motion sickness. 

If the symptoms continue, medications may be prescribed to help reduce the severity of the symptoms. If the symptoms are severe, the doctor may recommend vestibular therapy or other forms of physical therapy to help retrain the vestibular system and reduce motion sickness. 

It is also important to rule out any underlying medical conditions that could be causing the motion sickness, such as inner ear infections or balance disorders. Seeing a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment is the best way to manage motion sickness and prevent it from impacting your daily life. 

Prevention Tips

Even though this all might sound uncomfortable and scary, symptoms of motion sickness can be prevented or reduced. 

Avoid Reading While Traveling. 

Reading can be a major cause of motion sickness, so it’s best to leave the book at home and focus on looking out the window, chatting with companions, or listening to music. 

Travel In The Front Seat Of A Car Or Plane

Sitting closer to the driver or pilot reduces the number of turns and bumps that can cause motion sickness. 

Avoid Strong Odors

Strong odors, such as perfumes and food, can make it more difficult to handle motion sickness. 

Choose Foods Carefully Before Traveling

Eating heavy meals or spicy foods can aggravate motion sickness, so it’s best to opt for light snacks or bland foods. 

Sit Up Straight And Look At The Horizon

Sitting in an upright position with your eyes focused on a fixed point outside the car can reduce symptoms of motion sickness. 

Wear Loose-Fitting Clothing During Travel

Tight-fitting clothes can restrict circulation, making it more difficult to cope with motion sickness. 

Get Plenty Of Rest Before Traveling

Being well-rested prior to a trip can help reduce the effects of motion sickness. 

Take Medication Or Use Natural Remedies If Necessary

If all else fails, over-the-counter medications and natural remedies can help reduce the symptoms of motion sickness. 

Try Aromatherapy Or Acupressure

Aromatherapy oils, such as peppermint or lavender, can help alleviate nausea; while acupressure wrist bands provide pressure to specific points on the wrists that may reduce motion sickness. 

Final Word

It is important to remember that motion sickness is a common problem, but it doesn’t have to control your life. With the right treatment, you can reduce or eliminate motion sickness and get back to enjoying your everyday activities. 

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