Have you ever seen something so visually stunning that it took your breath away? That ‘wow’ moment when your eyes pop out of your head and your jaw hits the floor? The team at Magic Innovations specializes in creating those moments. From 3D mapping and holograms to augmented reality and virtual worlds, these artists, innovators, and magicians dream up immersive multimedia that brings ideas to life. Their award-winning designs engage audiences on a visceral, emotional level. So next time you need to capture attention and spark imagination, let the wizards at Magic Innovations make the magic happen. 

Captivating Audiences With Multimedia Magic

When you want to create a truly immersive experience, interactive projections are the way to go. Magic Innovations’ team can transform any surface into an interactive display, from walls to tables to floors. Using motion sensors and gesture recognition software, people can engage with the projections by moving their bodies. It’s virtual reality without the headsets. On the other hand, Holograms might seem like science fiction, but Magic Innovations has made them a reality. Their holographic displays create free-floating 3D images that you can view from any angle. When people see products, objects or even people hovering in mid-air, it creates a sense of wonder that sticks with them. Similarly, 3D mapping, also known as video mapping, allows you to animate physical objects with video projections. At Magic Innovations, 3D designers create custom 3D maps of buildings, vehicles or interior spaces. Video and animations are then projected onto these surfaces, transforming them into dynamic displays. 3D mapping is an innovative way to attract attention and highlight the contours of any structure.

The Illusion of Possibility: Projection Mapping and Holograms

Have you ever seen projection mapping or holographic displays and wondered how they were created? With Magic Innovations, the possibilities are endless. Our expert designers and engineers harness the power of multimedia technologies to craft unforgettable experiences.

  • Projection Mapping

Projection mapping uses specialized software to warp and mask projections to fit the contours of any surface. When done right, the results appear as if the visuals were painted on the surface. We’ve created projection mapping experiences for product launches, corporate events, theater productions, and architectural installations. By combining animation, video, and interactive elements, we make surfaces come alive.

  • Holographic Displays

Holographic displays use light field technology to create stunning 3D visuals that seem to float in mid-air. We’ve designed holographic experiences for museums, science centers, and live events. Holographic displays capture people’s imagination and bring an extra layer of wonder, whether used for education or entertainment.

Crafting Immersive Experiences Through VR and 3D Animation

  • Capturing Your Vision

When you come to Magic Innovations with an idea, our team works to fully understand your vision. We’ll discuss how VR, 3D animation, projection mapping, or other multimedia solutions can bring your concept to life and captivate your audience’s imagination. Whether you want to showcase a new product, highlight your company’s story, or create an unforgettable live event, we have the expertise to make it a reality.

  • Building Digital Worlds

Our 3D animators and modelers are artists, using the latest tools like Maya, 3ds Max, and ZBrush to craft detailed virtual environments, products, characters, and more. We can build a digital world from the ground up based on your vision. For events, we map the physical venue to create a custom virtual space where holographic visuals are integrated and interactive.

  • Immersing Your Audience

VR, AR and mixed reality allow us to immerse your audience in an experience unlike anything else. We can transport people to impossible places, reshape physical spaces, and make the virtual tangible. For example, at a conference we produced an AR experience where holographic visuals floated above a physical model, bringing an architectural concept to life. Attendees could walk around and manipulate the 3D visuals with gestures, exploring possibilities. See how at magicinnovations.com.

Bringing Ideas to Life With AR, 3D Scenes and Interactive Holograms

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality or AR allows you to transform the real world by overlaying digital information on top of it. Our AR specialists can create interactive AR experiences for marketing campaigns, product showcases, and brand activations. Whether you want an AR app, AR filters or lenses for social media, or location-based AR, we have the skills and technology to bring your vision to life.

3D Animation and Scenes

With 3D animation, we can create realistic characters, objects, and environments to tell stories and convey messages in new ways. Our 3D animators and modelers are highly skilled in programs like Maya, 3ds Max, and Cinema 4D. We can produce 3D explainer videos, product visualizations, animated logos, and more. For large-scale 3D mapping shows, we create entire 3D scenes, characters, and animations to project onto buildings and structures.

Interactive Holograms

Holographic displays are the future of visual technology, allowing for eye-catching 3D effects without the need for special glasses. We have experience creating interactive holographic experiences using the latest display technologies like Looking Glass and PORTL hologram machines. Whether for trade shows, product launches, or futuristic themed events, holograms are a cutting-edge way to capture attention and bring ideas to life.


If you want to stand out with cutting-edge multimedia that immerses your audience, grabs their attention, and makes a memorable impact, visit magicinnovations.com. Their team of creative experts will bring your ideas to life through innovative 3D mapping, dazzling holograms, stunning projections, lifelike animation, and immersive virtual and augmented reality. With Magic Innovations, you can achieve next-level multimedia that captivates consumers and takes your brand to the next level. See for yourself at magicinnovations.com how they can turn your vision into an unforgettable interactive experience.