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How to clear a Blocked Nose?

how to clear a Blocked Nose

A blocked nose is a cause of irritation in breathing. Your sleep gets disturbed when your nose is blocked because breathing becomes hard. Suppose you are also facing such a problem because science has progressed a lot. There is almost a solution to every problem as well as disease. Likewise other diseases, the blocked nose also has different treatments with the help of which you can clear your blocked nose. Before starting treatments, first look at the causes of this blockage. In the following article, we get to know about How to clear a Blocked Nose? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.

Causes of the blocked nose:

A blocked nose is also called a stuffy nose, and it is a disease named Nasal Congestion. Here we discuss the causes of this nasal congestion.

  1. It can be due to allergies, due to which your nose gets blocked, and you face nasal congestion.
  2. It can also be due to some chemical exposure. When you smell this exposure, your nose gets blocked.
  3. Day by day, environmental changes also affect human health. These environmental changes cause different diseases, and this blocked nose is one of them.
  4. The flue is a major cause of a blocked nose. When you have flu, you face nasal congestion.

Treatments of the blocked nose:

There are many treatments for nasal congestion. Both medical and home remedies are discussed in detail below.

Inhaling of steam:

The easiest and most effective treatment to clear your blocked nose is taking steam. It would be best to have a large bowl and fill it with water to make it possible. After filling, you have to heat the water until it starts boiling. Close your eyes, keep your nose closer to the water, put a blanket on your head and start inhaling the steam of hot water. You can also add some salt to the water to make it more effective.


Another home remedy you can do to clear your blocked nose is by doing exercise with the help of your hand. What you have to do is gently press your nose with the help of your thumb and the finger next to your thumb. This exercise will press your nose vessels and pores and make it clear.

A mixture of garlic and water:

There is a mixture that helps you out in this problem. You have to put 3 cloves of garlic in water and boil them. After boiling, drink the boiled mixture two times a day. This mixture helps you clear the pores of your nose and prevents nasal congestion.


If you are not feeling well after applying all the above treatments, you seek the doctor and take proper medicine for flue and a blocked nose. Most preferred are antibiotics which make your nose clear.

Remedy to make your sleep peaceful:

While having a blocked nose, your sleep becomes uncomfortable. A home remedy helps you out in this situation to make it comfortable. You only need a big pillow which makes your head upward. Keeping your head in this position will make your nose vessels open and clear your nose.

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