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How to get rid of canker sore?

How to get rid of a canker sore


Aphthae are wounds placed inside the oral cavity and take on a round shape reaching a diameter ranging from 2 to 5 millimeters. get rid of a canker sore These abrasions have reddish edges and have all the characteristics of the classic oral ulcers causing pain in those affected. Often, this pathology can appear due to stomatitis, but, fortunately, it tends to go away within two weeks. But be careful: the canker sores have a recurring nature and therefore can recur periodically.

Oral ulcers can affect different mouth areas such as the inner cheeks or lips, throat, or tongue surface and are not contagious.

Aphthosis tends to mainly affect adults between 20 and 50 years old, especially when it comes to women. Sometimes the onset of these ulcers can be accompanied by swelling of the surrounding lymph nodes.

Low immune defenses can contribute to aphthosis.

The most frequent symptoms of mouth ulcers are tingling and burning of the injured area. This is where blisters and blisters form that can open, become infected, and cause pain.

When aphthae are recurrent and very painful, it can also be a chronic inflammatory lesion. Other symptoms, in this case, are fever and swollen lymph nodes.

What exposes a subject more than another to the onset of this type of problem is the genetic predisposition and gender (women are more victims of it). get rid of a canker sore Excluding chronic bowel disease, celiac disease, HIV / AIDS, or Behcet’s disorder, canker sores originate from:

How do canker sores heal?

The canker sores disappear on their own within a few weeks, but the healing process can be assisted with natural and pharmacological remedies.

Among the first are to be mentioned:

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