When it comes to the worlds leading digital retailer, who can forget to mention amazon, it is also known as the titan of E-commerce. First, it started by selling e-books, but now people can sell gift cards, mobiles, gadgets, games, clothes, cameras, homes, kitchens, and beauty products. You can earn millions and billions by selling on amazon. The most important thing about Amazon is that you do not need to go outside. You can do it anywhere from your house or company or wherever you want. Sometimes it becomes difficult for women to go outside and earn money. It is a blessing for women who want to do business and want to achieve something big in their life, but the only hurdle is the outside environment, or they are not allowed to do any job. If you have good products or ideas regarding new products, Amazon is the best option for you. Here we will discuss the step-by-step process of how to sell on amazon. It will make it easy for you to start earning by following a few steps.
Table of Contents
Step 1 sell on Amazon
Create a seller central account
First, go to amazon.com and sign up for your account. Enter your name and email, and then set a unique password. A one-time password will be sent to your email address. It is to verify your account. To open your account, you must have a business and contact address, mobile number, chargeable credit card, and identity details. Choose the business location and type of business you want to add there. I was hoping you could read the agreement and click the ” I agree ” button.
Step 2 sell on Amazon.
Add personal information, including country of citizenship, birth, date of birth, and business addresses. Also, provide a one-time pin to verify your phone number.
Step 3 sells on Amazon.
Add bank account information for payments from amazon.
Listing products on amazon
Different categories are open for different types of accounts. Not all categories are open to all sellers. Some require a professional seller account. Therefore must review the list of FBA product restrictions to avoid future problems. Some categories include amazon device accessories, amazon kindle, beauty, books, business products, beauty tools and accessories, camera and photo, cell accessories, fashion jewelry, grocery, home and garden, musical instruments, office products, shoes, handbags, software, games, video games, toys, etc. Enter information on the product detail page. But some products are restricted on Amazon, and their sale is illegal and unsafe. This list includes alcohol, explosive items, laser products, plant and animal products, precious gems, lock picking and theft devices, furniture, stamps, human parts, and skin and hair care products.
Product variations
Products are always available in different colors and sizes, so you need to enter variation details. Also, add product images here.
Optimize your listings
Always add a concise title to your product detail page. Write a good description of your product for your customer’s convenience. Always give accurate descriptions like size and color. Keywords play an important role in product sales, so always choose the best keywords.
Shipping options on amazon
You can ship directly to your customers or by amazon customer service. In this process, you ship your product to Amazon, and then amazon performs scanning and charges customers for shipment.
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