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How to whiten teeth?

How to whiten teeth

Teeth are the blessing of God that enables us to eat and chew food. It is not only for eating but also perfectly placed in the mouth for protection. Teeth are one of the main things that anyone notices in a personality. If you have yellow teeth, it will affect your personality and impression. In the following article, we learn how to whiten teeth? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.

The teeth start turning yellow with age. No matter if you take very good care of your teeth or not. So, many remedies and tricks have been introduced to whiten teeth. The market has launched a lot of products to make your teeth whiten. Sometimes the chemicals do not suit you, so you can try some home remedies to whiten your teeth.

What causes the yellowing of teeth?

Several factors contribute to the yellowing of teeth. If you are not brushing at the end of the day, the food particles will stick to the enamel (the outermost layer of the teeth). These food particles will produce bacteria and end up decaying your teeth.

The color of the teeth will start turning yellow. There will be plaque buildup on the surface of your teeth as well that does not look pleasant. Sometimes the outermost layer of the teeth (enamel) gets eroded, and the layer below it, named dentin, starts showing up. It also causes the teeth to look pale.

Remedies to whiten teeth at home:

The following tips could help you to prevent the yellowing of teeth; 

  1. Brush your teeth two times a day with a toothpaste containing baking soda.
  2. Floss after having a meal.
  3. Do not eat late at night and sleep without brushing.
  4. Use the home remedies at least three times a week to avoid bacterial growth.

Also read: how to get rid of cramps.

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