How to grow sweet peas?

How to grow sweet peas, The most appropriate plant for cutting is Sweet pea, and its correct name is Lathyrus odoratus, and it brings appealing color and flavor to sprays in spring and early summer. 

The tantalizing flowers show various vibrant colors, allowing the aroma of grapelike to fill the air.

To help people who have never grown sweet peas in their gardens or pots, we have some advice for them.

These suggestions will help any novice or enthusiast to grow these beautiful flowers in large quantities.

Why do people grow Sweet Peas?

Sweet peas are grown for their beautiful curly flowers, soft, blue, and two-tone colors. The aroma of many varieties makes them a sought-after cut flower.

Sweet pea has a long cultural and breeding history for home gardeners and florists.

How do I go about growing Sweet Peas?


  • In warm regions with comparatively mild winter climates (zone 7 and higher), sweet peas can be seeded in autumn.
  •  Seed in late winter/spring elsewhere. When you are going to plant, always soak the seeds in water for 24 hours. This softens the skin of the roots and speeds up the germination process.
  • When the seeds are soaked, fill the pot with good-quality soil. Peas have plentiful roots, so use the most bottomless pool you can find. Root trainers and 4″ banks are ideal.
  • Sow two seeds in a pot and bury them half-inch in the soil with your middle finger.
  •  Cover the pot with a plastic dome cover to increase moisture and speed up propagation.
  • Would you please put them in a cool greenhouse or bright window in your home?
  • Once the plant has grown to 10-15 cm, pinch the growing center tip above the joints, leaving only two or three knots on the leaves. This will encourage plants to branch strongly from the base.
  • Sweet peas are rich in nutrients and require more care to produce richly. Prepare your bed with bone meal, a thick layer of ground compost or manure, and plenty of natural fertilizer. Mix these ingredients intensely into the soil.
  • The vine overgrows and requires a solid structure to climb. Arrange the tall poles in a row, about eight feet apart, and place a Hortonova net or six-foot-high metal fence for climbing.
  •  Before and after the last spring frost, plant the seedlings in two rows, one on each side of the trellis, about 8 inches apart. Since the vines grow in large numbers, it is important to tie them to the framework. After the vines begin to grow, sweet peas can produce more than (30.5 cm) per week.
  • Install the water after planting

  •  Sweet peas like water and will not thrive without constant moisture. It is vital to quench thirst in hot weather, so install a watering hose immediately after planting to prevent the lush growth from getting out of control. Feed your plants with diluted fish and algae emulsion every week.
  •  To extend the life of the vase, choose at least two unopened flowers on the stem tip. Adding flower food to the water can extend the life of the vase. It is vital to prevent the plant from producing seeds to extend the flowering time. So remember to pick and dry the flowers frequently. Do they need special care as they grow up?
  • Since sweet peas are a vine, they need support to grow and thrive. Many types of structures can use as lattices, nets or rope supports, or fences. You need a design that is well fixed on the ground to support the weight. The vine plants form tendrils that wrap around the supports they carry.
  • They like nutrient-rich soil, so it recommends to add compost when planting. Covering with sweet peas can keep the roots fresh and retain moisture during growth.
  •  When the plant reaches a height of six inches, it is helpful to squeeze the tips together by about an inch to allow the plant to branch and produce more stems.

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