There are many hot topics that many people misunderstand in software testing. Yet, smoke and sanity testing is one of the most common and crucial ones. When searching for adequate data on the web, an enormous amount of literature is available. However, these tons of stuff could create frustrations. We believe that this is one of the essential topics that need to get clear in 2021! And that is the reason for jotting down this post. Here we will try our level best to address the confusion between smoke and sanity testing. So, scroll down and start reading!

Smoke Vs. Sanity Testing: Intro & Differences

Smokes Testing

Firstly, we have to know what Smoke Testing precisely is, and for this, we need to define it correctly. Smoke Testing is a software examination procedure conducted for software building. We do this to know whether or not the critical functionalities of the software are running fine. It gets executed before any specified regression tests you are planning to perform. The purpose of smoke testing is to decline a software app with bugs.

What is Sanity Testing?

So, here comes the other term – sanity testing. Technically, sanity testing is a set of Software Testing conducted after obtaining a software build, with trivial alterations in code to determine the fixed bugs. The aim is to discover that the intended functionality runs fine as expected. If your sanity test breaks, the build cannot preserve the time and values involved in more meticulous testing. For example, if the scientific calculator gives the sequence of 2 + 2 =5! Later, there is no tip in testing the superior functionalities like sin 30 + cos 50. Did you get it?

Smokes Testing Vs. Sanity Testing – The Key Differences

Following, we have listed the difference between Smoke & Sanity testing.

  • So, the first difference between the two terms is Smoke Testing may perform to determine that the crucial functionalities of the application are running fine. On the other hand, sanity testing refers to checking the innovative functionality/bugs that we have fixed. 
  • Another difference is that sanity testing in software done by testers spoke trial and may document or scripted. Smoke testing is an asset of Approval testing. 
  • The Fourth mainstream difference is that smoke testing uses the system from tip to tip. Sanity testing, on the other hand, applies only to the particular element of the system.
  • Lastly: Smoke testing is similar to General Health or time-to-time Check-Up. Yet, sanity testing is like a functional health check-up.


So, what are your thoughts now? Are you feeling any different? Bear in mind: Users may have to perform both Smoke & Sanity Tests in the software build. In many cases, users will head perform Smoke tests and later go for Sanity Testing. In business, test samples for Sanity Testing got commonly linked with those for smoke testing. And this is speeding test execution. We know at first it may be a bit confusing but will become your best friend later. So, know the essential points and get started.

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