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How to cancel planet fitness membership?

How to cancel planet fitness membership?

Like many professional gyms, Planet Fitness will not easily cancel membership. However, as long as you have a certain amount of patience and are willing to skip some circles in the contract, you can still do it. In the following article, we get to know about How to cancel planet fitness membership? So don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it’s going to be very useful for you guys.

Know your planet fitness contract

Find your contract with Planet Fitness. Although you may have signed a “no contract” or “free registration fee” promotion to cancel planet fitness membership, you still signed an agreement that specifies how you cancel the contract and under what circumstances your cancellation fee can be waived.

Read your contract. Your contract stipulates the exact terms and conditions, and you should be informed. You should also pay attention to whether your contract is an annual contract or a monthly contract.

Pay attention to the billing cycle. Normally, for monthly rental contracts, you must cancel before the 10th of each month, because you usually receive the bill on the 17th, and the company needs time to process your request. For annual contracts, you must cancel before the 25th of the month before receiving the bill. In other words, if you usually pay your annual bill in March, you need to cancel on or before February 25.

Exempt your gym fees. If you can provide written proof that you are injured or that you must move out of Planet Fitness, then you may be waived.

Dissolve the contract in person 

Exempt your gym fees. If you can provide written proof that you are injured or that you must move out of Planet Fitness, then you may be waived.

Write a one-page document requesting the cancellation of your membership. Make sure it meets the contract specifications. It is mentioned in the letter that if you meet the conditions, you want to waive your withdrawal fee and why to cancel planet fitness membership. Also, pay attention to which documents you include in the letter. Include all your personal information; you only need to include the last four digits of your social security number and your driver’s license number. Sign.

Check the working hours of your local member service department to cancel planet fitness membership. Call the department and request a meeting to cancel your membership.

Tell them that you want to cancel your membership to cancel planet fitness membership. Meet with representatives and give them written documents.

Request Cancellation

Request cancellation in writing. Don’t forget to ask employees to sign to cancel planet fitness membership. You need to prove that you canceled your membership because you may need it in the future.

Arrange to cancel any future monthly payments. You may need to pay another month, but make sure to cancel the payment after that to cancel the planet fitness membership. Settle any cancellation fees so you can be sure that your membership has been canceled.

Ask for the name and phone number of the appropriate contact person. If you experience trouble after canceling–for example, if you find that you have been charged an improper fee–you may need to contact a specific person to resolve the issue.

Monitor your credit card or bank statements to cancel planet fitness membership. If the monthly or annual expenses are something that shouldn’t happen, you need to contact the gym.

If any additional fees are withdrawn, please call Member Services. Act now to avoid losses.

Go in person. If the gym still insists you pay, it must show them a written cancellation certificate.

Registered Mail cancellation

Alternatively, you can send a registered letter to cancel your planet fitness membership. Because registered mail can be tracked, you can be sure that the gym receives the letter.

Collect your letters. Don’t forget to include a letter requesting the cancellation of membership, all your documents, your personal information, and your reason for waiving the fee to cancel planet fitness membership (if applicable). Ask them to send a notice of cancellation of membership in writing and provide you with a follow-up call to confirm that your membership has been canceled.

Send the letter to the post office. Give the letter to the employee. The registered letter must be handed to the employee to receive the return signature.

If you have not received notice of the cancellation of your membership, please call the gym. So, if you do not receive notification of the cancellation of your membership within a week and a half to cancel planet fitness membership, please call and talk to the staff. If you cannot cancel your membership by mail, you may need to go in person.

So, check your account. Make sure that you do not exceed the monthly or annual fees that you agree to pay. If you have, you need to go to Planet Fitness and show them proof of cancellation.

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