Chicken pox is known to be a common health condition, with the majority, probably around 90% of the cases occurring in children below ten. It is generally considered to be a mild disease. Still, in rare cases, it may cause several severe complications like infecting the skin, bones, joints, bloodstream, or soft tissues through bacteria. But how long does Chickenpox last, and how exactly is it treated?
If you or your loved one has been suffering from the same condition and you are wondering the same kind of questions, read this article. Here, we will discuss every essential thing that you must know about Chickenpox.
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What Exactly Is Chicken pox?
Chicken pox is considered to be a contagious infection that mostly occurs in children and, sometimes, in adults too. The condition is mainly caused by a virus called varicella-zoster and can easily be spread from an affected person.
In the initial stages, the condition looks like red spots and soon gets transformed into blisters, which are usually super itchy. Soon those blisters start to burst and enter the scabbing stage, which generally are brown in color.
How Long Does Chicken pox Last?
In general, chicken pox doesn’t last longer than 7-10 days. However, please know that this is not the exact number, as it also depends on how you take care of the condition and the improvements you make in your diet.
Besides that, the immunity levels also play a significant role in determining how much time a person will take in order to get rid of chicken pox. People who have weakened immune system are likely to take longer to heal from Chickenpox., probably 2-3 weeks.
What Are Some Common Symptoms Of Chicken pox?

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Here are some of the most common signs or symptoms that you are likely to experience when suffering from Chickenpox. According to the sources, the symptoms of Chickenpox develop in an order that begins to appear at least 1-3 weeks after a person gets exposed to the virus.
Some of the main symptoms that you will notice in the initial stages of infection are:
- Fever
- Body Aches
- Loss of appetite
- Headaches
- Joint pain
- Runny nose
- Cough
Further, the person will start to develop other symptoms like red spots on the overall body, which eventually turn into an itchy blister filled with fluid.
Furthermore, blisters begin to heal, but before that, they take numerous forms; for instance, blisters will weep, become sore, form the crust, and then their healing process begins.
Who Is At The More Risk Of Getting Chicken Pox?
Now you how long does chicken pox last? Let’s discuss how this disease is treated.
Anyone who has never had chicken pox before and has not been vaccinated against it are usually at a higher risk of getting chicken pox. There are also some factors that increase the risk of you getting affected by the infection; for instance, if you are working in a child or school care space, spent a significant amount of time (around 15 minutes) with the infected person, using the objects that the infected person used will eventually put you at the risk of getting chickenpox.
How Chicken pox Is Treated?

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According to the sources, currently, there’s no defined treatment to cure Chickenpox. It is known that the condition gets cured on its own within a week. The exact timing may vary from person to person as some may take two or three weeks to get rid of the chicken pox fully. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t visit your doctor at all. It is highly recommended to visit your doctor if you think you or your loved one have chicken pox.
There are some medications that your doctor may recommend in order to reduce the itchiness and other symptoms of chicken pox and also to prevent the spreading of the disease.
For example, they may recommend Acyclovir to aid in reducing the symptoms. Sources say that this medication works best if it is taken within a day of developing the symptoms of Chickenpox. Besides that, your health expert may also recommend the following guidelines:
- Drink Plenty Of Water – Not drinking enough water when having chicken pox may make the condition worse. Hence, in order to relieve the symptoms of chicken pox, it is a must for you to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
- Avoid Itching – It is normal to experience itching when suffering from chicken pox. But, you need to avoid it as it increases the risk of developing an infection on your hand’s skin or under your nails. Some things that you can do to reduce itching are wearing loose clothes, keeping the nails short, and taking cold baths. Your doctor may also recommend some medications for that purpose.
- Medications To Reduce Pain – Your doctor may recommend some medications to relieve pain and fever that come along with chicken pox. Make sure not to take any medicine by yourself and follow your doctor’s guidance.
- Sugar-Free Popsicles – Mouth sores can also occur with chicken pox, and in order to cure that, your doctor may recommend you take sugar free popsicles.
So, that was all you needed to know about how long does chicken pox lasts. It is not considered to be a serious condition as it gets cured on its own within a few weeks. However, still, it is always advised to talk to your doctor and follow the precautions properly to heal the condition as soon as possible.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Who Is Immune To Chickenpox?
People who have already had Chickenpox in their life, they are considered to be immune to the disease for the rest of their lives.
2. Is Chickenpox Serious In Adults?
As per the NHS Inform, Chickenpox can become more severe in adults. And they are likely to develop more complications.
3. Who Most Commonly Gets Chickenpox?
Children under the age of 10 are at the highest risk of getting chicken pox.