A media kit is a grandstand of your image and a list of the media space or stock you have ready to move to sponsors. In this article, we will discuss the media kit examples and how can you make a decent media kit.

What makes a decent media kit? 

Before we jump into our rundown of the best media kits around, it merits thinking about what makes a media kit great or awful. The reason for a media kit is to make a deal – so we’re searching for media kits that grandstand what they offer well and make it simple to make a deal. Eventually, the best media kits lessen the erosion of the business interaction and make it simpler to sell your stock. The following are a couple of things to ponder from the best media kits: 

  • They give transparency to what they offer 
  • They have a scope of alternatives, contributions, and estimating 
  • They know the worth they can give 
  • They obviously can impart their worth 
  • Their media kit looks great 
  • They leave the publicist needing to discover more 
  • They give a reasonable and simple subsequent stage 

Best examples for 2021 

In this rundown, we’re sharing the absolute best examples of media kits from both enormous web-based distributors and more modest more shop specialty distributors. It merits seeing them to get motivation for the stock you could present just as their plan and show. You’ll know that they contain a large number of the prescribed procedures for media kits that we’ve expounded on above. 

Best media kits examples from huge internet-based distributors 

It merits investigating these excellent media kits from a portion of the world’s biggest distributors to find out about the stock they sell, their estimates, and how they present their contribution as far as to reach and effect. We’ve included connections to their publicizing pages so you can follow the stream to download the kit yourself or just download the media kit examples in our asset pack. 

What is a Media Kit, Step-By-Step Guide On How To Create One & A Free  Designer Template — This Life Of Travel

Pic credit- thislifeoftravel.com

  1. Quick Company media kit example 

This very much planned media kit example from Fast Company grandstands their range and forthcoming article schedule. 

  1. Inc example media kit example and rate card 

This media kit example from Inc incorporates their article schedule and promoting rates. 

  1. Business visionary example media kit 

This very much planned media kit example from Entrepreneur refines their image with teammate stories. 

  1. Computerized Trends media kit 

This example media kit from Digital Trends grandstands their range as well as the effect and the ROI they can give to promoters. 

Different media kits from enormous distributers 


NewsBTC is a famous Bitcoin site, and this is their ongoing Media kit (June 2018). I truly like the way in which they have made it simpler to see promoting choices and estimating. Likewise, in this media kit, you will find out about different promoting choices that you can coordinate on your blog. 


Here is an obsolete yet useful media kit of GoodReads. You can examine the GoodReads publicizing page Here. On giving your contact subtleties, GoodReads will mail you a duplicate of their media kit. GoodReads figured out how to plainly express the sponsor openings with their media kit

Week after week Standard 

If you haven’t ever across a broad media kit, this will be the longest media kit you’ll at any point see. The media kit of Weekly Standard is a broad 21 pages in length! There are many pages of editors and 3-page tributes toward the end. 

Metropolitan Organizing 

Geralin Thomas of Metropolitan Organizing has made a beautiful JPEG that goes about as the blog’s media kit. The organization of her media kit is like an infographic about the blog, introducing the details in an alluring way. 

You can see the media kit of Metropolitan Organizing Here. 

The Popular science 

Well-known Science highlighted one of the beautiful media kits around. Well-known science’s media kit resembles the spec sheet for their blog. This media kit gives its promoters a reasonable thought of its crowd and their collaboration assumptions. 

Public Review 

Albeit the media kit of National Review isn’t exactly beautiful, however, it is productively positioned for a superior showcase of their details. Public Review selected their media kit to be put on a sub-space for comfort purposes. The media kit uncovers fascinating details about their readership base for publicists to contemplate upon. You can see the media kit of National Review Here. 

Quick organization 

The media kit page of Fast Company lets everything know that their sponsors need to know. They have both print distribution and Web pattern subtleties. Their numbers and their method of the show are sufficient to snatch promoters towards them. You can see the whole media kit of Fast Company Here. 


This is an insignificant, online (HTML) and non-PDF form of their media kit at BuzzFeed. Their site is really popular, and a few subtleties are sufficient for sponsors to think about it. BuzzFeed has included just their key details on their promotions page and contextual analysis. 

You can see their media kit page here. 


Mashable utilizes a spotless and basic media kit page. They have included key details of their Mobile, Desktop just as Android application perusers in their media kit. Mashable utilizes a natural media kit page for its showcase of details. You can see their media kit Here. 

the hive 

If you thought a media kit should be long and broad, you are incorrect! Here are the means by which theChive tells the best way to utilize a little and viable media kit. A six-page media kit, with one page as their introduction! Straightforward, compact, and to the point media kit. 

You can see their media kit Here. 


INC.com utilizes an intelligent media kit on a sub-area. INC.com’s media kit gives all the promoting freedoms to publicists just as the whole insights of their peruser base. You can see the media kit of INC.com Here. 


The media kit examples of Entrepreneur.com is really effective and beautifully built. Solely after a speedy look into their media kit, the publicist would rush to comprehend the peruser socioeconomics of Entrepreneur.com. You can see their media kit Here. 

The Nation 

The ‘Crowd profiles’ essential for this media kit is the one to watch. The rest of the media kit is an awful planned one, however educational and suits the news media company. A ton can be enhanced the plan of their media kit, notwithstanding. You can see their media kit Here. 

Men’s Health 

Correlation is acceptable once in a while. Men’s Health simply does that in its media kit. It analyzes how it admissions against cutthroat locales, so the publicist could quickly decide about sponsorship. Nonetheless, this is definitely not a solid idea for web-based businesses to remember correlations for their media kit, yet it sure is sound for this well-being magazine! You can see their media kit. 

Break Media 

The media kit of break media arrives at the point rapidly and passes on their adage rapidly and productively. This gives the promoters an unmistakable knowledge of the organization. They unmistakably call attention to that it is the go-to objective to target the youthful male crowd. It isn’t exactly well for female crowds, all things considered. You can see their media kit Here. 


The media kit of DailyCandy incorporates ad openings for both their advanced and Email variant of their Fashion blog. DailyCandy media kit incorporates a page of truth, seen above, about the association of their crowd in style matters. You can see their media kit examples Here. 

Influencer Media Kit by Resume Templates on Dribbble

Pic credit- dribbble.com


In this way, here we finish the contextual investigation of the media kits of not many top online journals for your motivation. Does your Blog have its merited media kit examples? Yell out your contemplations and encounters with media kits beneath.